Message to ANEL-ブラジルの学生団体・ANELへのメッセージ


Dear Friends fighting in Brazil,

We are full of burning anger to hear about outrageous crackdown to brother Murilo and send heartfelt solidarity message from the opposite side of the earth.

Now people all over the world know that the Football World Cup is based on violent expropriation of lands from many residents and destroying lives of workers and students. We believe your struggle against the World Cup is 100% justifiable. We demand that those who tortured Murilo be investigated and punished for intense use of physical and psychological abuse aimed hate political coercion and extraction of information.

Condition of Japan is no different than Brazil. Toward Tokyo Olympic in 2020, the Abe Administration has discarded Fukushima people suffered by radioactivity. And now Yuhimaru TAKEDA, a student activist of Hosei University, has been arrested and prosecuted unfairly by the cooperation of university administration and security police. It is because of his protest against such guilty conduct of the government and pro-nuclear scholars.

We have known you ANEL since our visit to Brazil in 2010. Since then, your nationwide struggle against the commercialization of education has strongly encourged us. We have started the challenge to reconstruct students’ Autonomous Bodies(In Japan, those have destroyed by brutally attack of state power and police after massive struggle in the 1970s) all across the country after Fukushima Nuclear desaster on March 11th of 2011.

We, the ‘99%’ has no border and our struggle is one and the same all over the world. The power to change the state of universitiy and the whole of society is in students and workers. Let’s keep fighting together for our future!

In solidarity,
Zengakuren(All Japan Federation of Student Autonomous Bodies)

Zengakuren International Department

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