3・20渋谷反戦デモの呼びかけ文 in English


Join us in March 20th Anti-War demonstration in Shibuya!

? On March 20th, the 8th anniversary of the Iraq War, a worldwide anti-war demonstration is going to be organized. We in Japan call for “March 20th Anti-War Demonstration in Shibuya (downtown Tokyo) for the 8th anniversary of the Iraq War” to be a link of this international struggle.

? A new era is coming with youth and students at the forefront to change the world by people’s power. Uprising of Tunisian and Egyptian people is urgently calling on the people all over the world, “Let’s change the world immediately!”

? March 20th Shibuya Anti-War demonstration responds to the burning desire of a large number of people to “follow Egyptian people”. We call on all of you to join us massively in this action to stop the war and to overthrow Kan administration.

Stop the war of aggression of US and Japanese imperialism on Korea!

A fresh war in Asia has become a reality, triggered by the exchange of gunfire between the North and South Korean military forces on last November 23rd in Yeonpyeong Island of Korea during the joint military exercise of the US and South Korea. US imperialism has stepped into a war that should inevitably develop into a horrible massacre as is described in its strategic paper OPlan 5027 of the US Pacific Command.

Kan administration has declared to participate in this war led by the US forces. This is a flagrant war of invasion into Korea by US and Japanese imperialism. We are resolutely opposed to this war!?

The global economic crisis hastens the war

? The war and the bitter reality, in which youth and students are seriously suffering from mass unemployment and job shortage, have a common root. Nippon-Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), which has been driving massive dismissal and irregularization of job (casualization), urgently demands revision of the Japanese constitution (which forbids war) in order to clear the way for war.

? A serious problem is posed before us whether we allow repeating our bitter history, in which the 1929 Great Depression developed into World War II. We shall never admit a war that forces workers and people of the whole world, who are now rising up to fight the global economic crisis, to kill each other.

?Let’s change the fundamental structure of this society, in which outbreak of war becomes inevitable, by the unity and solidarity of working people beyond national borders.

Down with Kan administration, driving war and mass dismissal!

? The war plan of the US presupposes Japanese military participation with Okinawa and the whole Japanese Archipelago serving as US forward bases. Therefore, if we, Japanese working people, resolutely rise up against it, war will surely be crushed.


?In Okinawa, angry voices are spreading all over the islands, shouting, “We don’t need military bases any longer” and the struggle against war and military bases are rapidly developing.

? The farmers in Sanrizuka, a “fortress of anti-war struggle”, have been preventing the completion of the Narita Airport as military airport for 45 years through their unflinching struggle to defend the farmland for their life against war.


? Workers united can stop the war. Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba), which raises the slogan, “no to war mobilization”, is proudly carrying out strike to fight back outsourcing, which threatens young workers.


?Also in many universities all over Japan with Hosei University at its head, students are raising their angry voices on campus against war.

? With the intention of participating in the war on Korea, Kan administration is determined to suppress the struggle of Japanese workers and people by all means. Therefore, it is urgent to come together to develop a united struggle to stop war.

?The policies of Kan administration, including the participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, tariff-abolishing treaty), a big consumer tax hike, a plan of fresh military base construction in Okinawa, etc, are stirring up anxiety and anger among broad layer of Japanese people. Now is the time to turn the anger into action.

Crush Kan administration by the power of “March 20th Anti-War Demonstration in Shibuya”!??

?Break down the wall of “Prison University”, or Hosei University and join in the March 20th Demo!

We of ZENGAKUREN and Federation of Cultural Clubs of Hosei University have been fighting against the brutal reality of Hosei University, dubbed “Prison University”, for 5 years. Our struggle has been successful in developing unity in confrontation with the terrible situation, in which students are arrested by the police only for handing over flyers on the campus and are suspended or expelled from university for making speech against war. This is just like the brutal suppression of student movement in Japan in the prewar time.

?Now as the war has actually begun, we must reaffirm our determination never to repeat the history, in which universities were dominated by militarism and students were mobilized into the battlefields of aggressive war. March 20th Anti-war demonstration is to materialize our firm resolution.

?Breaking down the repressive wall of Hosei University, or “Prison University”, another form of war instrument, we are coming together in a great number to Yoyogi Park, the place of the anti-war rally.?

?Join us in the March 20th Anti-war demonstration in Shibuya from all workplaces, communities and campuses all across Japan!

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