










大恐慌と財政赤字を理由に、教育予算のカットが叫ばれていますが、そもそも財政赤字は、金融バブルによってボロ儲けし、世界の労働者・学生を虐殺するための戦費を費やしてきた資本家の責任であり、私たち学生には一切の責任はありません。教育を金儲けに変え、学生から教育も未来も奪うような体制には未来はない。資本家連中は歴史のくずかごにいけ! この怒りを実力を持って示すのは学生の当然の権利でしょう。




全日本学生自治会総連合 執行委員長 織田陽介

Comment (1)

  • スカイ| 2010年12月12日

    Representing the students of Japan, we wish to express solidarity.

    This December, with the British students leading the battle, students of the world rise up in action. Our battle is also a link in this. We students fight for justice. Just as the British students have been labelled “insurgents” etc, the anti-war speeches at Hosei university (in Tokyo) have been labelled “noisy” and “a disruption to lectures”, an in the end have been used as a pretext for suspension and expulsion. Despite this, the fact that the students movement fights for justice is unchanging.

    With the excuses of financial deficit and great fear, they are crying for cuts of the education budget, but right from the outset, the budget deficit is the resposibility of the capitalists that have profited from the financial bubble and spent the money of the world’s labourers and students on war money for mass-slaughter, while we students bear absoltely no responsibility. There is no future in a system that tries to commercialise education, and snatch both the chance for education and the future away from the students. Those capitalists are going to be sent to the rubbish bin! To show the true force of the anger that we hold is a natural and right.

    Japan’s student movement is in solidarity with the students of the world, and this December we will rise up in a movement against war. The war that has begun in the Korean peninsula is drawing in America, Japan and China and is forming a situation that could develop into a world war. The anger of the Okinawa and the other islands with bases is blowing with full force at the American-Japanese peace treaty and the American bases. The mission of the students of Japan is not to permit Japan’s imperialist participation in this war, and in solidarity with the workers and students of Okinawa, is to rise up and battle to smash the US-Japan alliance and to beat down imperialism. Especially with the solidarity of the workers and students of the world, we will have the fullest power to stop the war.

    The cuts to the education budget, along with military research, the debt of student fees and loans and a scarcity of employment, are leading us down a path in which the university is becoming a battleground. We students are not just things left on the shelf, unsold units of labour, we are the central actors in discussing the world, preventing wars and building the history of the fut ure. In the middle of standing up in the fight against war, each individual student must be proof of this. Japan’s student movement makes clear that it is participating in the fight until the last battle of the workers and students is won.

    All-Japan Federation of Student Autonomous Bodies


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