For those who don’t know, the UC administration has been significantly increasing repression of the Movement in Defense of Public Education through the Student Conduct Hearings. Students are facing suspensions and even expulsions. At UC Berkeley, where more than 100 students were arrested last semester, this repression could destroy the movement.
We need everyone’s support to fight the charges against the students.
We the undersigned are opposed to the university’s disciplinary position regarding the students involved in the Architects and Engineering building sit-in on November 18, 2009, the Wheeler Hall protest November 20, 2009 , the arrests in Wheeler Hall on the morning of December 11, 2009, and the students that are facing sanctions for flyering.
Over 100 student activists are facing a variety of charges related to recent protests. UC Berkeley is an institution that widely advertises its activist past and prides itself on its commitment to the principles of the Free Speech Movement, but the university is using the recently revised student code of conduct in a manner that is arbitrary in order to intimidate and punish student activists who continue to challenge the increasing privatization of California public education in the UC, CSU, and community college systems.
100 名を超す学生が、最近の抗議行動に関連して種々の処分攻撃を受けています。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校は、言論の自由運動の原則への誓約のもと、過去に多くの活動家を生み出しそれを誇りとしてきた大学でした。しかし大学当局は、カリフォルニア大学、カリフォルニア州立大学、地域単科大学の公教育制度の民営化に反対し続ける学生を威嚇し処分する意図のもとに、最近改悪された学則を適用しようとしています。
We reject the accusations that the students involved in the Wheeler Hall protest put the safety of other students and community members into question. The November 20, 2009 protest was supported by students and community members; it was a call to the university to change the way that it engages with those upon whom its continued operation depends.
The administration not only ignored this call, but is now attempting to silence student dissent on the campus by physically removing students from the campus. The December 11, 2009 arrests of over 60 students in Wheeler Hall were made in bad faith and without a dispersal order.
The administration has defended its decision to threaten two students with sanctions for flyering by saying that there are clear rules about posting flyers. This use of the student code of conduct is a tactic of intimidation to silence opposition to the university administration’s position on its direction. We find this unacceptable and demand that all sanctions against these students be dropped immediately.