全学連大会アピール in English



Flyer of Zengakuren on August 24

Stop “restart” of nuclear plants! Kick out bribed rotten scholars!

Abolish nuclear power plants by the power of students!

Join us in the Convention of Zengakuren on September 9 to 10


Now is the time we students should rise up

SAITO Ikuma,

President ofHoseiUniversityFederation of Cultural Clubs


I have been actively engaged in the struggle to fight against corruption of universities represented byHoseiUniversityfor 4 years since my first year in this university. The March 11 earthquake and the subsequent nuclear power plant accident have evidently clarified that universities themselves has been an essential part of the corrupted social structure that caused the disaster.

In order to fight against this reality, I call on all students to join us in the Convention of Zengakuren. Let’s revitalize nationwide organization by solidarity of students to take back our universities from those corrupted people who are only interested in moneymaking. It is Zengakuren, students’ autonomous body that is capable of rallying students’ power. Let’s take the lead to change the present state of university andJapan.


The real enemy is Neo-liberalism and “Privatization of education”

Neo-liberalism has begun penetrating into university by the policy “university reform” under Koizumi government in the beautiful name of “cooperation between industry and academia”. This policy, in fact, destroyed everything which “makes no profit”, for example students’ autonomous dormitories, students’ autonomous bodies, students’ halls for cultural as well as athletic activities. When I enteredHoseiUniversity, only a few independent organizations of student existed. In line with this, students who protested against destruction of students’ autonomous action have been severely oppressed. InHoseiUniversity, 118 students were arrested, 33 prosecuted and over ten students were suspended and expelled because of their protest against university’s suppression on students’ autonomy. As for me, I was also expelled by university administration last year.


●We, students are to open up the future!

March 11 and nuclear accident have clearly revealed the true nature of universities. For university authority, “study” means only to squeeze tuition fees from us students and to deprive us of the future. Management of university has completely become money game, raises tuition fee on the reason of loss by economic crisis, threatens critical students by saying, “You might be losing in job hunting” or “You have scarcely hope for getting scholarship” and expels them when they continued to protest.? Thus all students’ actions are put under control by “rules”. Moreover, they actively promoted the university policy of “nuclear power plant construction and development”.? Some “professors” are in fact committed in letting the children ofFukushima die, saying, “Even if you are exposed to radiation, you are safe”. InHoseiUniversity we have fought against these policies and attacks and have protected “Federation of Cultural Clubs”, the organization of united students from the suppression of the university authority. We call on you to follow us in this struggle all across the country.

It is students and youth who open up the future. Let us take the lead in the hand of students who represent the future to make a breakthrough in the stagnation of the society. What is needed is not to comment but to change the society. I pledge to stand in the forefront. We desperately need all of you students to join us in the Convention of Zengakuren to revitalize nationwide students’ movement around Zengakuren and to expand anti-nuclear movement on our each campus. Kick out bribed rotten scholars and change corrupt university!


Together with the anger of Fukushima


SAKANO Yohei (SophiaUniversity)

Acting president of Zengakuren


We Zengakuren are resolved to fight to abolish all of nuclear power plants together with the 2,000,000 angry people inFukushimaprefecture.

Since the nuclear accident broke out, the people ofFukushimaprefecture have been deprived of their lives and jobs, and their families have been forced to live separated. Even the children, who had not known the word “nuclear power plant” before, have been forced to live under as high radiation level as radiation controlled area and already 45% of them had thyroid exposure to radiation. Under such reality, YAMASHITA Shunichi, professor ofNagasakiUniversityand advisor of radiation risk control ofFukushimaprefecture spreads shameless demagogy, for example “Radiation never comes if you smile and it comes if you are worried”. I can’t allow this!

People ofFukushimashout with anger and fear; “By all means stop these dangerous developments by the power of young people. Never expose children to radiation likeFukushimaagain” (Nationwide Network to Protect Children from Radiation/SATOU Sachiko). A student ofFukushimaUniversitysays, “Present state will be changed once we speak out. We’ll surely be able to abolish nuclear power plants” (at the rally inFukushimaon June 19). Let’s respond to their heartfelt appeal. Let us students rise up with them. Kick out bribed rotten scholars!


●Stop “restart” of nuclear plant operation by the power of students

It is decisive what we students act in this September to abolish nuclear power plants. 40 of total of 54 nuclear power plants inJapanhave been already stopped operation. If we will continue to stop restart of nuclear power plants that are undergoing regular inspection, we can realize stoppage of all nuclear power plants. Stoppage and abolishment of all nuclear power plants is completely possible.

I strongly condemn restart of business operation in Hokkaido Electric Company Tomari nuclear power plant on August 18! Even after the accident, the standard of inspection wasn’t modified and discovered new dislocation was ignored for this “enforcement”. Moreover, bribed rotten scholars help this by giving certification of “safety” for operation!

On September 11, the next day of the congress of Zengakuren, we will hold a nationwide demonstration against nuclear power plants focusing on “stop restart”

InTokyowe will take to the street around Shinjuku. And on September 19 over 50,000 of angry people will hold huge rally against nuclear power plant atMeijiPark,Tokyo.

The Convention of Zengakuren will be the starting point of huge struggle against nuclear power plants. Let’s lead this historical struggle together!


●Let’s create students’ autonomous body through the struggle against nuclear power plant

We need to stop nuclear power plants and to change the society fundamentally. What’s the real face and situation of nuclear power plant? Look at the reality: forced exposed doses of temporary and sub-contract workers, forced construction of nuclear power plants in under-populated areas, which are obliged to depend on subsidy for their survival, existence of bribed rotten scholars and their “research and study” being full of lies and concealed aim of nuclear armament ofJapan. All of contradictions of this society are condensed in nuclear power plants.

“Take back everything that we have deprived”?young people inEnglandhave begun revolting. Intensity of their struggle shows intensity of their anger and enormity of the change.

And on November 6, all of our anger will become one at the Big Rally against nuclear power plants and unemployment inHibiyaPark,Tokyoand we will hold this rally internationally.

I would like to appeal again! All the students, let’s join us in the Convention of Zengakuren and realize grand action against nuclear power plant on September 11 and 19! Expand our unity and movement, create students’ autonomous body in each campus and create massive movement against nuclear power plants!


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